Displaying this news as a post format was absolutely unnecessary, but I just wanted to do it so that I can use this one as a guide for future news.

How this site is created

For those interested, I just simply use al-folio to create this website, which you can also find the link to in the footer of this website.

I spent hours looking for a template that:

  • Looks beautiful
  • Have a news section
  • Allows me to link my blog and also write blog posts if I want
  • Have a projects section
  • Have bright & dark theme
  • Have good SEO

And surprise! al-folio fits those perfectly while also bringing even more awesome features to the table (that I have yet to use). Yeah sure, it sounds like an advertisement, but I have to give credit to where credit is due. If you find my site beautiful, please head to al-folio and drop them a star!

For such a dummy like me, setting up this site was a hugeeee struggle, so anyone who is in a similar situation, you can take a look at the video below!

That’s it from me today! I have end-term exams tomorrow, so see you guys later, folks!